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Kicking off #TexasCool: How to be and stay it in the Lone Star State

The Choose Energy Team
By The Choose Energy Team July 8th, 2019
2 min read
For business

What is #TexasCool?

What is #TexasCool? It’s the music: Texas is the birthplace of musicians as varied as Willie Nelson, Beyonce, and Selena. It’s writers such as Lone Star State natives Larry McMurtry, Dan Jenkins, and Molly Ivins. It’s cities as diverse as Austin, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi. It’s all these and more people, places, and things. Join Choose Energy® this summer in celebrating what makes Texas the coolest – visit our #TexasCool page.

But #TexasCool also is about beating the heat in a state that – for all its funky grooves – can get awfully hot during the summer. How hot? Last summer, the Dallas-Fort Worth area experienced 23 days of 100-degree-plus temperatures. The Energy Reliability Council of Texas says it won’t be as hot this summer, but it also says electricity reserves will be tight throughout the period.

Choose Energy® wants to help in a number of ways:

  1. We’re going to offer helpful tips all summer on staying cool as you live, work, and play in Texas. Check out our daily Top 5 on staying and being cool in the Lone Star States. Some days we’ll tell you how to beat the heat; other days we’ll identify some of the cool things about the state. Which means we’ll need your help – more on that next.
  2. We want you to tell us which things about Texas the coolest – your favorite beaches, your favorite Texas beverages – you get the idea. More than half a million Americans move to Texas each year – help them out! We’ll introduce the topics on social media and solicit your opinion: Respond on Twitter and Instagram pages (using the #TexasCool hashtag), on our Facebook page (in a comment on any of our #TexasCool posts), or by email. Every Friday, we’ll let you know what your fellow Texans think and announce the next topic.
  3. We’ll pitch in to help with your electricity bills this summer. That’s right. Our analysts, taking usage and monthly rate statistics from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, calculated that the average Texans spend about $379 for electricity for June, July and August – the peak summer months. We’ll make weekly #TexasCool awards of $300 to give winners a leg up on electricity costs.

How can I qualify for #TexasCool awards?

It’s easy. Submit, in 140 characters or fewer, your answer to the following topic: I’m #TexasCool and this is why should help me with my electricity costs this summer. Give us your answers in any of the following ways: on Twitter and Instagram pages (using the #TexasCool hashtag), on our Facebook page (in a comment on any of our #TexasCool posts), or by email.

See full contest rules for more information. Bookmark our #TexasCool page for daily Top 5s, and come back to the Choose Energy blog every week for TuesdayCoolTuesdays.

This week’s #TexasCool poll: What’s the coolest beach in Texas?

We’ll look forward to your visits.

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