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Green Energy

For business

Green energy and how it works

Green energy refers to electricity generated from sources that do not add significantly to the planet’s carbon footprint. The idea is that the growing use of green electricity will forestall global warming. Suppliers in deregulated states across the U.S. offer green products, some with energy generated by 100 percent green methods and others with varying percentages of green generation.

Green energy and renewable energy are often used interchangeably, but there is a small difference. All green energy is renewable, while some renewable products aren’t always green. Biomass can fall into this category, but there is ongoing scientific debate over it.

Renewable energy sources used for electricity

The Energy Information Administration considers the following generation methods and sources renewable: hydroelectric, wind, geothermal, biomass, wood and wood-derived, other biomass, and solar. Generation from those sources increased 28.6 percent from 2015 through 2020. Together, those generation methods made up more than 22 percent of the country’s electricity.

Following is the amount of green energy produced in prominent deregulated states and the largest contributor to that total, according to EIA data for December 2020:

Green energy sources and how they work

Geothermal energy uses steam and hot water beneath the earth's surface.

[Fauod A. Saad/Shutterstock]

  • Geothermal – uses hot water and steam from underground reservoirs. Power plants convert the heat and steam and use it to drive a turbine to produce electricity.
  • Solar – photovoltaic panels perform as semiconductors, with negative and positive layers. Conductors attached to both layers create an electronic circuit, turning electrons from sunlight into electricity.
  • Wind – spins turbines, turning rotors connected to a generator.
  • Hydro – dams channel water through turbines, feeding generators.
  • Biomass – plant and animal material is converted to liquid or gas biofuels, which can be burned.

Texas leads in electricity generated by wind, California tops solar, and Washington state leads in hydroelectric power.

Green energy rates in Texas

Every deregulated electricity plan in Texas includes renewable energy. You can find the percentage in a plan’s Electricity Facts Label. Our buying guide can help with sorting through plans for great value. Most providers also sell plans fueled by additional green energy, as much as 100 percent.

The following providers only sell green plans:

Green energy plans in my area

Green energy plans are sold outside Texas as well, and you don’t have to do a web search for “renewable energy plans near me” or “green electricity providers in my area” to find them. Simply enter your ZIP code and Choose Energy will return plans available to you. You can sort by green energy, price, term, and more to find what you need.

Other factors that may influence your decision include no-deposit plans or prepaid electricity.

Green energy for business

Deregulation doesn’t just apply to residential customers, and neither does green energy. Both are available to business energy customers as well. More and more businesses are trying to reduce their carbon footprints, and green energy plans can accomplish or at least help with that.

Choose Energy offers business energy solutions tailored for your company. Our energy experts need a little information about your average usage and when you use the most energy. Give us a call at the number on this page or fill out this form for help.

FAQs about green energy

Will green energy be sent to my house if I sign up for a 100 percent green plan?

No. Your provider will buy renewable energy credits to offset 100 percent of your energy use. Green energy delivered to the grid mingles with electricity from fossil and other fuels.

How do renewable energy credits work?

The credits are used to help pay for expansion of other green energy efforts, thereby raising the amount of renewable energy in the grid.

Does generation of green energy harm the environment in any way?

Some of it does. For example, solar panels use some toxic metals. Wind turbine blades, once they’re no longer useful, can sit for years in landfills. But the reduction in carbon dioxide remains a positive.

What if my power goes out? What do I do?

In every deregulated state, green and other types of energy are delivered to homes and businesses by utilities. These companies are in charge of maintaining and repairing the equipment used for transmission. If you experience an outage, contact your utility.

Shop for a green energy plan

Ready to shop for green energy rates? Just enter your ZIP code in the space on this page. Filter the results for green energy and find a plan that’s right for you. Your new provider will help with setting up service so there’s no interruption.

You also can contact one of our energy experts at the phone number on this page.

Start now to reduce your carbon footprint with a renewable energy plan.

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