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Where does Texas stand in green power generation?

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By Arthur Murray September 26th, 2019
2 min read
For business

Texas is a large producer of green power, primarily wind and solar.

Everyone knows Texas as oil country, and they’re not wrong. The Lone Star State generated nearly 5 million barrels of crude oil per day in June, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. That was more than 41 percent of the nation’s total output. But Texas also generates a significant portion of the nation’s green power.

What are the numbers? That depends in part on which types of energy are classified as green – particularly whether nuclear power falls into the category.

Texas as a green power (with nuclear generation)

Considering nuclear generation as a green power source (along with wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal), Texas ranks second among states (behind only California) as a green power generator. Following are the top 10 states for green power including nuclear (in megawatt hours) and the percentage of the nation’s green power each state generates:

About 25 percent of Texas’ electricity generation in June came from these green sources. However, because Texas is such a large energy producer, that percentage is only the 34th largest among states. Following are the 20 states in which these green sources are responsible for the largest percentages of their total electricity generation and those percentages:

Texas as a green power (without nuclear generation)

Taking nuclear production out of the equation, Texas ranks third in green energy generated from the remaining sources: wind, solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal. California ranks first, with Washington second. Following are the top 10 green energy producers in megawatt hours (excluding nuclear as green) and the percentage of the nation’s green power they generate:

Using this definition of green power, Texas generates about 16.4 percent of its electricity from clean sources, the 20th highest percentage among states. Following are the 20 states in which these green sources are responsible for the largest percentages of their total electricity generation and those percentages:

Where Texas ranks on these green sources

As previously mentioned, Texas is the country’s largest generator of electricity from wind, more than tripling the production of No. 2 Oklahoma. Following are the top 10 wind producers and the amount of electricity generated in megawatt hours.

Texas places fifth among states that produce electricity through solar generation. Following are the top 10 solar producers and the amount of electricity generated in megawatt hours.